University of Rochester
Department of Computer Science
25th Anniversary Photo Gallery

These are the pictures used in the 25th Anniversary poster, and probably a few that didn't make the final poster. Enjoy.

First graduates of the department: Graeme Williams, Jon Shopiro, and Keith Lantz [MK]

CB as Captain Hook (with Lynn Westling [AF])

CB peering out of office

Chris Chizk with legos and eyetracker

Computer Studies Building

Brad Miller

Dana and Lokendra Shastri

CB and Dana talking (early)

Class of 1977 [MK]: Seated (or prone): Mark Kahrs, Clinton Parker, Andy Haas; standing: Ed Smith, P. Rajaram, Dan Russell, Klaus Gradischnig, Dan Sabbah, Arun Arya, and Peter Selfridge [PM]

Gary Cottrell and Jellybean

Dept. Picnic c. 1986: (L-R) unidentified blonde, Michael Scott [DC], Rich Pelavin [PC] Hartman, Suzanne Bell, Brian Madden, James, CB, Lawrence Crowl

Party at Jill's: [MK] (from L-R) Jill, Kahrs, Litman, Engelbrecht, Smith, Hrechanyk, Zimmerperson, Frisch, [AF] Leslie Ellies (my girlfriend at the time), Cottrell

Henry Kyburg on pedestal

Hylan computer lab

Jack Veenstra, Ginny DeSa, Jim Muller, and the California raisin

James and Henry Kautz

Jeff Pelz with eyetracker

Jerry at picnic

Jerry and Jim Low

Jill skeptical (of Kahrs & Litman [MK])

Leo Hartman

Liudy Bukys, Jim Roche, Tim Becker, and Ray Frank

Mark Crovella

Paul Cooper, Jay Weber, Leo Hartman, and Henry Kautz (at CMU?)

Peggy Frantz

Peg Meeker on phone (early)

Pensive Mike Swain

Polly Pook and the Utah-MIT hand

Ray Frank eating

Robot hand, cameras, and abacus

Ron Loui

Tom Leblanc and Michael Scott

URCS Hockey 1990 (back l-r: Lawrence Crowl, Marc Light, Mark Corvella, Mike Swain, Paul Turner, Polly Pook, CB, Dave Coombs, Lambert Wixson; front l-r: George Ferguson, Henry Kyburg, Tom Leblanc, Brian March, Ginny DeSa)

Virgina DeSa

Jill Forster (early)

Liudy Bukys with equipment (early)

Rick Rashid (early)

Last change: 6 Jul 2000 by ferguson

[MK] == Mark Kahrs <>
[PM] == Peg Meeker <>
[DC] == Dave Coombs <>
[AF] == Alan Frisch <>
[PC] == Paul Cooper <>

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.