Annotation -- Speaker

Group: Speaker

This track has specified only the necessary attributes for each action. Utterances such as "we want a xxxx in yyyy ..." show that at the point of hearing "we want" we are unaware which action speaker wants the actor to perform (i.e. it could be a move or a paint). The disambiguation of intended action occurs later in the utterance. This means that the actual annotation of the intented action must occur when there is no doubt of what the speaker meant.

Object Layer
To incrementally annotate an object in this domain, we make use of an anchor at the beggining of the refering expression. This anchor will be the first word uttered at the begging of the object (i.e. "a", "the", etc.).
Location Layer
Location layer has the following attributes: Vertical Direction, Horizontal Direction, Topological Properties and Relation Modifiers. This layer describes the spatial relation between two objects; an object and its ground. It is used to describe location semantic roles for Move and Rotate actions.
Atomic Layer
This layer has a list of all possible role values not included in location and object layer. Thus we have: Distance, Heading and Endpointorientation. The following already have entries at the object layer: Color, Decoration type, Decoration location, Size.
This layer identifies the roles that go with and link to objects or actions. If there is a role relation between to objects one of them is the anchor and the other is the role value. To know which one is which, one can say "the role of [something] is [that]". Then [something] is the anchor, and [that] is the role value. Id-role has the following three attributes: Anchor (link to object or action whose role we are attaching); Role Relation (obj, src, destination ... all semantic roles); Role Value (appropiate value);
Domain Actions
Speech Act
These are speech acts which may or may not refer to other actions. If they do, link to the former action. Request speech acts must have a domain action specified on the layer "Domain Actions".

Annotation -- Speaker