URCS Quagents Home

Quagents: Contributions

Contributions to the Quagents project.

Prolog Quagent Controllers

          description: Quagent controllers written in prolog.
	  provided by: University of Rhode Island

	  download: Prolog_Quagents_URI.zip

Mac OSX Quagent

          description: Quagent mod project file for Mac OSX based on the
	      Fruitz of Dojo Quake II source: http://fruitz-of-dojo.de>
          provided by: James Dessart

          download: macosx.zip

Python, Matlab/Octave, XSB Prolog Quagent

          description: Quagent client implemented in python
          provided by: Simon D. Levy,
          Assistant Professor,Computer Science Department,Washington & Lee University 

          download: http://www.cs.wlu.edu/~levy/software/quagent_client/

	  description: patch for quagent_funcs.c to avoid displaying the player's gun after a cameraon/cameraoff sequence (commented with sdl)
          provided by: Simon D. Levy,
	  Assistant Professor,Computer Science Department,Washington & Lee University 
	  download:  quagents_funcs.c

	  description:A snapshot showing edge-filtering of a scene in Matlab/Octave, generated with the following code:
	  provided by: Simon D. Levy,
          Assistant Professor,Computer Science Department,Washington & Lee University 

	  client = QuagentClient;

          [bytes,width,height] = look(client);

          a = reshape(bytes(1:4:end), width, height)';  % red plane

          b = edge(a, 'roberts', 12); % from Octave image package


	  download:  picture2.png 

Last updated:    by costello