CS242 3D Tic-Tac-Toe Assignment Maks Orlovich Contents: 3dttt.lisp -- the provided interface to the server alpha-beta.lisp -- An implementation of alpha-beta alpha-beta-ordered.lisp -- Alpha-beta with an ordering heuristic gen_pos_masks.c -- A simple C program used to generate threat space masks playalpha.lisp, playalpha2.lisp, playmin.lisp -- Test drivers.. spot.lisp -- The provided random-move making player stats.lisp -- Statistics module threatspace.lisp -- The evaluator.. tourney.sh -- Tournamanet manager. WRITEUP.PDF -- The write up An easy way to launch the player is to edit one of the template files, providing its name, and the name of the player to play against. alpha-beta-ordered.lisp is the strongest implementation. tourney.sh will launch an everyone-bs-everyone tournament. Increasing the sleep delay in the script might be a good diea if one wants to observe.