Programming Concepts: Loops (Attaway Ch. 4)

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Looping: CS Theory

Computer Science Theory tells us:

Looping: Practical

Repetitive operations "R" computers. E.g.:

Counted loops ( primitive recursion in recursive function theory): perform loop some given number of times
(e.g., "brush hair 100 strokes before bed.").

Conditional loops ( general recursion): repeat until done
(e.g., "whip until fluffy")

Vectorized Commands as Hidden Loops

In Matlab, since matrices are the primary datatype, explicit looping is often not needed. Vectorized commands operate on entire matrices. With Matlab we take this for granted, but it's both a luxury and a curse: a powerful capability that can be misused.

Attaway often refers to vectorized versions of commands as "efficient". They are terse to us humans, but in fact vectorized commands are implemented under the hood as loops, so they can't be inherently more efficient in terms of execution time. For example,
avec = sqrt(bvec*5 + 4); is_greater_vec = some_vec > 5.0; % produces logical vector

Good Rule: create a matrix or vector if you really need all its values (say to make a plot or as input for further processing). Do not construct a vector to hold input that can be generated and used one piece at a time.

For instance, to add all the numbers from one to a billion, we don't need a billion-long vector[1,2,3...]. We need one variable to hold the sum and we need to count: to generate the numbers to be summed one at a time. We need a for loop.

The vectorized sum(1: 1000000000) (sum one to a billion) gives an out-of-space error, but
total = 0; for value = 1:1000000000 total = total + value; end

after running for several seconds, actually produces an (approximately) correct result.

For Loops (Attaway 4.2)

Sometimes called a "do loop" (for Fortran), a for loop implements counted loops. Reserved words: for, end, (continue, break, return).

for loopvar = range_expr statements; end

Executes the statements (down to the for's matching end statement) once for every assignment to loopvar from elements of range-expr.

The range expression can be pretty general: Possibilities include operator expressions and vectors.

for loopvar = 1:N for loopvar = 10:2:20 for loopvar = x: 2*y: z+150 for loopvar = [2 5 -98 13 pi] % sets loopvar to each element for loopvar = some_vec % sets loopvar to each element

Index Variables

The index variable is so-called because it is so often used as an array index, in essence to find the address of the value we want.

Two Simple Examples

Enthusiastic hello:

for repetitions = 1:3 % i is set from 1 to 3 % but not used in loop! disp('Howdy!'); end

Accumulator problem: accumulate partial answers into a single answer variable (very common).

For example, compute sum of n2, as n goes from 1 to 10.
sumsq = 0; % a box for sum, initialized to 0 for n = 1:10 sumsq = sumsq + n^2; % update and save sum end

Some Bad Examples

What happens if we try the following?
for n = 1:10 sumsq = 0; % a box for sum, initialized to 0 sumsq = sumsq + n^2; % update and save sum end

Above runs fine, just probably not what we want. So that's a problem... no error message.

On the other hand if we make up our own syntax and come out with gibberish like:
y = for x < 5 sum +x end

We see an unhelpful Illegal use of reserved keyword "for". Which is technically right but pretty vague. And since there are other problems in our little loop above, either fixing one problem (or making it worse!) is only going to lead to another useless error message. You're dying here.

Moral: Trying to rewrite code without understanding what has gone wrong (aka Programming at Random) usually doesn't work.

More Bad Examples

More horrible examples of how NOT to Compute sum of n2, as n goes from 1 to 10. Try to figure out what each of them will do...

sumsq = 0; % a box for the sum, initially 0 for n = 1:10 % n^2; % no % sumsq = n^2; % no % sumsq(n^2); % no! Stop Guessing!!! end

Examples using accumulators:

Assume the following script is stored in for_script.m.
vecsum = 0; % a sum accumulator vecprod = 1; % a product accum. (why not 0?) N = length(a_vector); for indexvar = 1:N % indexvar goes from 1 to N vecsum = vecsum + a_vector(indexvar); % add into accum. vecprod = vecprod * a_vector(indexvar); % mpy into accum. end vecsum vecprod


>> a_vector = 1:2:9; % = [ 1 3 5 7 9] >> for_script vecsum = 25 vecprod = 945

Several ways NOT to get the sum...
vecsum = 0; N = length(a_vector); for indexvar = 1:N % indexvar goes from 1 to N % vecsum = sum; % syntax error % vecsum = sum(1:N); % computes wrong sum N times % indexvar; % what???!!! % vecsum + indexvar; % computed and discarded. % vecsum = vecsum + indexvar; % wrong sum end

True, Matlab has built-ins for vector sum and product, but we're learning for-loops not memorizing a million Matlab commands.

Study the following examples and use them for templates. Look up the syntax (Matlab help etc.) of any construct you are not absolutely sure of. Computers are very picky about syntax, and will fail (likely with useless error messages or none at all) if you stray from the path.

Search Example

A common operation is to step through a number of cases and remember the "best" or "worse" or "smallest", etc.
A standard approach is to create a "minimum" variable, assign the first element in a list (vector, matrix...) to it, and loop through the rest of the elements replacing the minimum if you find a smaller element (Att 4.1.2).

function [min_val, min_index] = myminvec(vec) min_val = vec(1); min_index = 1; % Don't forget this!! for index = 2:length(vec) if vec(index) < min_val min_val = vec(index); min_index = index; end % if end % for end % function

Again, matlab has min,max built-ins, and even a variant that returns the minimum and its index, as above! But we're learning programming here, not memorizing idiosyncratic matlab-only features. Notice matlab's min can take a matrix but then has a possibly surprising result.

>> y = [ 4 -1 2 7]; >> min(y) ans = [2 -1] % mins of columns (!) >> min(min(y)) ans = -1

More Examples: Mundane and Bizarre

Add all positive elements of a vector vec
PosSum = 0; for ndx = 1:length(vec) if vec(ndx) > 0 PosSum = PosSum+vec(ndx); end end

Reverse a vector.
avec = [ 1 1 2 3 5 8 13]; N = length(avec); backvec = zeros(1,N); for forward_ndx = 1:N backwards_ndx = N-forward_ndx+1; backvec(backward_ndx) = avec(forward_ndx); end backvec backvec = 13 8 5 3 2 1 1

The following example illustrates the perils of data-type conversion! What's supposed to happen here? What does happen here?? Very strange... (hint: Attaway linear indexing)

for ndx_var = [1 2; 3 4] ndx_var % just report its value end ndx_var = 1 3 ndx-var = 2 4

Nested FOR Loops (Attaway 4.2)

It is very common to nest for loops inside of for loops e.g., to add all matrix elements

function sum = mat_add(A) % Sum elements of A % sum is name of MatLab builtin but no conflict (scoping!) [NRows NCols] = size(A); sum = 0; % initialize for row = 1:NRows for col = 1:NCols sum = sum + A(row, col); end % NCols end % NRows
end % mat_add

This is same as the vectorized sum(sum(A));

Note that nesting loops results in a dramatic increase in the number of operations carried out - the product of the the number of elements in the ranges. This gets out of hand very fast, so loops are seldom nested terribly deeply.

Please Don't Do This!

Please Don't Do This!!

Exercise 3.30: function out = choose(in) in = input('give me a number'); choice = menu('choose a function', 'ceil','round','sign'); .....

Functions talk to other functions! They don't need humans!

Comparative Syntax and Semantics

Diversity! In Matlab: for Mndxvar = 1:10 fprintf('\n Mndxvar = %d', Mndxvar); Mndxvar = 2*Mndxvar; end yields Mndxvar = 1 Mndxvar = 2 Mndxvar = 3 ... Mndxvar = 9 Mndxvar = 10

In C: #include main() { int Cndxvar; for (Cndxvar = 1; Cndxvar <= 10; Cndxvar= Cndxvar+1) { printf("\n Cndxvar = %d", Cndxvar); Cndxvar = Cndxvar*2; }} yields Cndxvar = 1 Cndxvar = 3 Cndxvar = 7

Why should we not be surprised?

Return Statement

The return, break and continue commands are special sorts of goto commands, and so can lead to confusing and un-structured code. They should be used judiciously, and mainly in specific situations.

The return statement is the most frequently used of the three. When encountered in any function or script, it causes a return of control to the location in the calling program immediately following the call.

Functions normally return when the code reaches the end of the function. The return statement simply causes an "early" return. Since every return statement in a function goes to the same, well-defined location, there is little opportunity for confusion, and thus limited opportunity for abuse. Use when convenient.

Break Statement

The break command breaks out of a for- (or while-loop) to the statement just after its end. Consider the following script.

% script forit.m for i = 1:5 disp(i*i); end i fprintf('\n with break\n'); for i = 1:100 if (i*i) > 75 break
end disp(i*i); end i % end of script

Running the script produces the following:

>> forit 1 4 9 16 25 i = 5 with break 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 i = 9

The break statement can be hard for a reader to follow, as he or she needs to scan ahead to find the end of the current loop to discover where control transfers. It is best reserved for situations such as exiting under error conditions, where other means of getting out would be awkward.

In the preceding example, the break destroys the implicit semantics of the for loop, as it does not execute the expected number of times. A better approach would be to use a while loop (next topic) and make the condition part of the loop proper.

Continue Statement

The continue statement is less common than break. it aborts the current iteration of the loop and resumes iterating with the next iteration of the loop.

Here we want to print out the indices of the positive values in a vector
vec = 2*rand(1,10) -1 % random numbers between -1 and 1 for i = 1:length(vec) if vec(i)<0 continue end i % print if get here end

Running the above produces:
vec = Columns 1 through 6 0.52711 0.68345 0.48181 -0.47806 0.92415 -0.28688 Columns 7 through 10 -0.35907 0.62747 -0.64415 0.88629 i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 5 i = 8 i = 10

Note that the code is a bit obscure and hard to follow, and this particular program would be better written using an if statement.

This is often true, and if you find yourself wanting to use a continue or a break statement, you should ask yourself if there is a clearer way of structuring the code.

The most common "legitimate" use of these statements involves cleanly getting out of nested code when error conditions occur.

WHILE Loops (Attaway 4.4)

For-loops normally repeat a certain, pre-computed number of times.

In contrast, while-loops continue repeating until a specified (boolean, true-false) conditional test is met. Associated reserved words: while, end, (break, continue, return).

Since while loops repeat until a certain condition is met, it is easy to write for-loops using while-loops but not vice-versa. Thus in the absence of 'tricks' (such as using conditional break statements), while-loops implementing 'general recursion' are more powerful than for-loops ('primitive recursion').

The general form of a while-loop is shown below:

while condition-expression

The condition must be true to get loop started and must become false sometime or you get infinite loop (exit one of these with CTRL-C if it happens to you in Matlab).

While loops are good for stopping when you find what you want (say a negative value in a vector, or you've reduced an error below some threshold).


For loops can be implemented with while loops, but in practice, the choice conveys significant information about how the algorithm works and it is important to know when one or other is called for.

Specifically, the choice is:
Do N Times (where we know N in advance)
Do until job's done (and it's hard to say how long that will take)

Example: for vector X,

for i = 1:length(X) X(i) = X(i) / 7; end

divides every element of X by 7. Since we can easily know X's size, a for loop is appropriate.

On the other hand, suppose we want to add up 1/N for N = 1,2,3... etc. until the sum is only changing very slowly. Stating this in terms of a change threshold we want to get below is more natural than trying to figure out the appropriate N beforehand. Hence a while is appropriate.
denominator = 1; term = 1/denominator; sum = 0; while term > .0001 % we're not done! sum = sum + term; denominator = denominator + 1; term = 1/denominator; end sum sum = 9.7875

(Aside: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3,... is the harmonic series from its place in the theory of music overtones (unison, octave, fifth, third...). What is its infinite sum?)

Other comments:

Break, Continue, Return

Work in while loops the same as in for loops

Break terminates execution of the loop. In a nested loop, it leaves the innermost loop (the one it is in).

Continue stops execution where it occurs and starts execution at the NEXT iteration of the loop. In a nested loop, it continues the loop it occurs in.

Return stops execution of a function and returns immediately to the calling program.

Straight Talk on Vectorized Commands

Red Ice Creations (

For this chapter and for the Pi project, please forget about "vectorizing" your code. Don't do it! Refer to matrix elements (Mat(i,j)), not matrices (Mat). And don't use the : range operator to refer to rows or columns of a matrix. Use loops. Don't create matrices for simple series like 'all odd numbers between 3 and 97' that can easily be done by repetition. On the other hand, for irregularly-spaced data like [ 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 1000], clearly a data vector is called for.

Mean and Standard Deviation (Attaway 12.1)

We'll be seeing a lot of these, e.g. in Prog. Asst. 3.

Informally, statistics are numbers used to describe collections of other numbers, or data. Three common ones are the mean (average), the median, and the variance ( = standard_deviation2).

We know about means and medians. Do we?. Variance and standard deviation measures how "spread out" the data are, how much the various data points differ from their mean value. If they're all the same, the variance is zero.

Computing the Variance

Naive implementation: read and use whole data set twice: one 1:N for-loop to calculate the mean, then another 1:N to do the subtraction, squaring, and addition to find the variance.

But! Notice, in the second moment equation above,

Var(X) = E[(X - μ)2]
       = E[X2 - 2 μ X + μ2]
       = E[X2] - 2 μ E[X] + μ2
       = E[X2] - μ2
       = E[X2] - E[X]2

Thus we can calculate mean and variance with only one pass through the data (one loop). In the loop that currently calculates the mean by summing X(i,j), we just need to accumulate another sum, this one sums the squares of the elements, X(i,j)*X(i,j). When done summing (after the for-loops), calculate the mean of the summed X's and X2's, do the subtraction and a square root, and we've got mean, variance, and stdev..

Some Theory for those interested


Almost always, one of these statements is best for what you want to do.

  1. IF : Depending on a single test (condition) you do either one action or another.
  2. SWITCH : Multi-branch version of IF . Depending on which of several CASE values a test variable has, do the appropriate one of several actions.
  3. FOR : Do a particular set of commands a known number of times.
  4. WHILE : Do a particular set of commands as long as, or until, a single condition is met.


Vectorized Commands and 1-D indices

Destroy before reading or read and forget! This is very ugly stuff!

For some simple tests, Matlab has a vectorized version, which unfortunately uses a form of indexing where matlab pretends an n-dimensional matrix is really a long 1-D vector (matrix written out columnwise). We've seen this weirdness before when we put a 2-d matrix in as the 'range' in a for-loop.

The following is for your horrified amusement only.
We do not recommend knowing about, let alone using, this confusing nonsense.

>> a = magic(3) a = 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 % magic square >> g5 = a > 5 % employ matrix form of > g5 = 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 % a binary matrix % Treat relation as index!
>> a(a>5) % same as a(g5) ans = 8 9 6 7 % returns values > 5 in a column >> find(a>5) % returns indices of values >5 ans = 1 6 7 8 % BUT they're the 1-D form of indices!

Over to You and Attaway! Read Chapter 5.


Last update: 04/22/2011: RN