



Basic Intransitive
ex: "The dog barked"
sym: Agent V
sem: emit(during(E), Agent, Sound)

PP Recipient-PP
ex: "The dog barked at the cat"
sym: Agent V Recipient
sem: emit(during(E), Agent, Sound) Prep(during(E), Sound, Recipient)

PP Cause-PP
ex: "The dog barked at the commotion"
sym: Agent V at Cause
sem: emit(during(E), Agent, Sound) cause(Cause, E)

NP Theme Object
ex: "The dog barked a warning"
sym: Agent V Theme
sem: emit(during(E), Agent, Theme)

NP-ADJP Resultative
ex: "The rooster crowed everyone awake"
sym: Agent V Recipient
sem: emit(during(E), Agent, Sound) Pred(result(E), Recipient)

PP Location-PP
ex: ""Birds sang in the trees.""
sym: Agent V Location
sem: emit(during(E), Agent, Sound) location(during(E), Agent, Location)

PP Location Subject, with-PP
ex: ""The tree sang with birds.""
sym: Location V with Agent
sem: emit(during(E), Agent, Sound) location(during(E), Sound, Location)