



Basic Transitive
ex: "Nora brought the book"
sym: Agent V Theme
sem: motion(during(E0), Theme) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) cause(Agent, E0)

ex: "Nora brought the book to the meeting"
sym: Agent V Theme against before into on to onto Destination
sem: motion(during(E0), Theme) location(end(E0), Theme, Destination) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) location(end(E1), Agent, Destination) cause(Agent, E0)

ex: "Nora brought to lunch the book."
sym: Agent V against before into on to onto Destination Theme
sem: motion(during(E0), Theme) location(end(E0), Theme, Destination) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) location(end(E1), Agent, Destination) cause(Agent, E0)

NP-PP Source-PP
ex: "Nora brought the book from home."
sym: Agent V Theme Source
sem: motion(during(E0), Theme) location(start(E0), Theme, Source) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) location(start(E1), Agent, Source) cause(Agent, E0)

NP-PP-PP Source-PP Goal-PP
ex: "Nora brought the book from home to the meeting"
sym: Agent V Theme Source to Destination
sem: motion(during(E0), Theme) location(start(E0), Theme, Source) location(end(E0), Theme, Destination) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) location(start(E1), Agent, Source) location(end(E1), Agent, Destination) cause(Agent, E0)

NP-ADVP-PRED here/there
ex: "The train brought us here."
sym: Agent V Theme Destination[+adv_loc]
sem: motion(during(E0), Theme) motion(during(E1), Agent) location(end(E0), Theme, Destination) location(end(E1), Agent, Destination) equals(E0, E1) cause(Agent, E0)

Subclass bring-11.3-1




ex: "Nora brought Pamela the book"
sym: Agent V Destination Theme
sem: motion(during(E), Theme) direction(during(E), toward, Theme, Destination) location(end(E), Theme, Destination) cause(Agent, E)

Together Reciprocal Alternation Transitive
ex: "Nora brought us together."
sym: Agent V Theme[+plural] together
sem: motion(during(E), Theme) cause(Agent, E) together(start(E), abstract/physical, Theme_i, Theme_j) together(end(E), abstract/physical, Theme_i, Theme_j)