



Subclass mix-22.1-1




NP-PP with-PP
ex: "Herman mixed the eggs with the cream"
sym: Agent V Patient1 with into to Patient2
sem: cause(Agent, E) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient1) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient2) mingled(result(E), physical, Patient1, Patient2)

Simple Reciprocal Transitive
ex: "Herman mixed the eggs"
sym: Agent V Patient[+plural]
sem: cause(Agent, E) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient_i) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient_j) mingled(result(E), physical, Patient_i, Patient_j)

Together Reciprocal Alternation Transitive
ex: "Herman mixed the eggs and the cream together"
sym: Agent V Patient[+plural] together
sem: cause(Agent, E) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient_i) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient_j) mingled(result(E), physical, Patient_i, Patient_j)

PP with-PP
ex: "The eggs mixed with the cream"
sym: Patient1 V with into to Patient2
sem: degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient1) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient2) mingled(result(E), physical, Patient1, Patient2)

Middle Construction
ex: "Eggs mix well with cream"
sym: Patient1 V with into to Patient2
sem: property(Patient1+Patient2, Prop) Adv(Prop)

Middle Construction
ex: "Eggs mix well"
sym: Patient[+plural] V
sem: property(Patient_i+Patient_j, Prop) Adv(Prop)

Middle Construction
ex: "Eggs and cream mix well together"
sym: Patient[+plural] V together
sem: property(Patient_i+Patient_j, Prop) Adv(Prop)

Subclass mix-22.1-2




ex: "Herman added a computer to the network"
sym: Agent V Patient1 with into to Patient2
sem: cause(Agent, E) together(end(E), physical, Patient1, Patient2)

Simple Reciprocal Transitive
ex: "Herman connected the computers"
sym: Agent V Patient[+plural]
sem: cause(Agent, E) together(end(E), physical, Patient_i, Patient_j)

Together Reciprocal Alternation Transitive
ex: "Herman connected the computers together"
sym: Agent V Patient[+plural] together
sem: cause(Agent, E) together(end(E), physical, Patient_i, Patient_j)

Middle Construction
ex: "This computer will connect well to the network"
sym: Patient1 V with into to Patient2
sem: property(Patient1+Patient2, Prop) Adv(Prop)

Middle Construction
ex: "These computers connected well"
sym: Patient[+plural] V
sem: property(Patient_i+Patient_j, Prop) Adv(Prop)

Middle Construction
ex: "These computers connected well together"
sym: Patient[+plural] V together
sem: property(Patient_i+Patient_j, Prop) Adv(Prop)