



Basic Intransitive inchoative
ex: "Claire skated"
sym: Theme V
sem: motion(during(E), Theme)

PP inchoative, locative-PP
ex: "Claire skated along the canal"
sym: Theme V Location
sem: motion(during(E), Theme) Prep(E, Theme, Location)

NP-PP Induced Action, with accompanied motion, path-PP
ex: "He skated Penny around the rink"
sym: Agent V Theme Location
sem: motion(during(E0), Theme) Prep(E0, Theme, Location) cause(Agent, E0) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent) Prep(E1, Agent, Location)

NP Induced Action, with accompanied motion
ex: "He skated Penny"
sym: Agent V Theme
sem: motion(during(E0), Theme) cause(Agent, E0) equals(E0, E1) motion(during(E1), Agent)

NP-ADJP Resultative
ex: "Claire skated her skates blades blunt"
sym: Theme V Oblique
sem: motion(during(E), Theme) Pred(result(E), Oblique) cause(Theme, E)

NP-PP Result-PP
ex: "Claire skated her skates blades to shreds"
sym: Theme V Oblique1 to into Oblique2
sem: motion(during(E), Theme) Pred(result(E), Oblique1) cause(Theme, E)

NP-ADJP Resultative
ex: "He skated Penny exhausted"
sym: Agent V Theme
sem: motion(during(E), Theme) cause(Agent, E) Pred(result(E), Theme)

NP-PP Result-PP
ex: "He skated Penny to exhaustion"
sym: Agent V Theme to into Oblique
sem: motion(during(E), Theme) cause(Agent, E) Pred(result(E), Theme)

Subclass vehicle-51.4.1-1




Locative Preposition Drop
ex: "Claire skated the canals."
sym: Theme V Location
sem: motion(during(E), Theme) via(during(E), Theme, Location)