;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Name: gridworld-definitions.lisp ;; LISP ROUTINES FOR CREATING A GRIDWORLD (ROADS AND OBJECTS) ;; ;; Author: Lenhart Schubert and Daphne Liu ;; Date of Version 1: Jan. 2008 version 1 by Lenhart Schubert ;; Date of Version 2: Apr. 2009 version 2 by Daphne Liu ;; Date of Version 3: Jan. 2010 version 3 by Daphne Liu ;; Date of Version 4: Nov. 2010 version 4 by Daphne Liu ;; 'is_adjacent_to' knowledge added for adjacent points, -LKS Sep 26/12 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; *** SHOULD ADD A FUNCTION FOR ADDING GENERAL KNOWLEDGE INDEPENDENTLY ;; OF def-roadmap, def-object and place-object, SINCE CONDITIONAL ;; KNOWLEDGE OF MORE GENERAL FORMS (E.G., WHERE THE ANTECEDENT IS ;; NOT SIMPLY A TYPE CONSTRAINT) IS PERMITTED IN WORLD KNOWLEDGE. ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WE STORE ALL SPECIFIC FACTS IN *WORLD-FACTS*, NOT LOCALLY. ; (General facts are still in *general-knowledge*, though we might ; eventually distinguish general facts from general knowledge) ; ; We have also changed storage of local facts (as 'facts property ; of locations) to just storing *world-facts*. ; If appropriate, the user needs to supply lists *left-comoving-preds* ; and *right-comoving-preds*, to allow inference of all local objects. (defparameter *roadmap-knowledge* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ; will become a list of map facts when def-roadmap is run (defparameter *general-knowledge* nil) ; will become a list of general facts about object types, and ; possibly other non-unit Horn clauses added by the user (defparameter *n-agents* 4); Brenner & Nebel allowed up to 10 (defparameter *extra-initial-knowledge* (make-array *n-agents*)) (dotimes (j *n-agents*) (setf (aref *extra-initial-knowledge* j) (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) ; Extra initial knowledge that may be supplied to an agent when the initial ; place-obj is done for one of the mobile agents. (It is "extra" in the sense ; that mobile agents are presumed to know the roadmap knowledge, and also any ; locally apparent facts at the points where they are placed). The extra ; initial knowledge normally is supplied as curr-facts in the place-obj command, ; but the user can also explicitly add facts to *extra-initial-knowledge* ; before doing 'initialize-state-node'. (defparameter *left-comoving-preds* nil) (defparameter *right-comoving-preds* nil) (defparameter *occluded-preds* nil) ; Predicates for local facts that are not immediately known to agents ; (unless the first (subject) argument is the agent) (defparameter *epistemic-preds* '(wants knows is_obligated_to believes)) ; Currently, there's no significance of declaring a predicate as ; being in *epistemic-preds* because the inference routines currently ; handle only the modalities "wants", "knows whether" and "knows that". (defparameter *world-facts* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ; Roadmap knowledge plus all other ground facts; these are collected ; together when objects are placed in the gridworld and when the ; initial state is computed in function 'initialize-state-node' ; (see "gridworld-planning.lisp") (defparameter *protected-facts* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ; Initially, before any inferences are done, these are the same ; as *world-facts*; later, the *protected-facts* are updated with ; the effects of actions actually carried out, but they are not ; augmented with inferences, so that in new states inferences can ; be computed from scratch (avoiding the need to explicitly identify ; and retract inferences that have become invalid). (defparameter *visited-places* (make-array *n-agents*)) (defparameter *visited-objects* (make-array *n-agents*)) ;(defparameter *roadmap-extrainitial-knowledge-terms* nil) (defparameter *real-clock* 0) (defparameter *ag-clock* (make-array *n-agents*)) (defun def-roadmap (points roads); Revised Dec. 2009 by Daphne Liu ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; Revised Sep 26/12 by LKS to provide ; adjacency knowledge for point locations ; (needed for this an other problems) ; NB: FOR THE MULTIAGENT WORLD, ; *BLOCKED-POINTS* MUST BE PREDIFINED ; Create a graph-like "roadmap", consisting of points (nodes) and ; connections (edges) beween pairs of points. The connections are ; labeled, where we think of these labels as road names; at most ; 2 edges impinging on a node may have any particular name. (Having ; 2 edges with the same name at a node means that we can follow ; a road through an "intersection" -- or, if these are the only ; 2 edges -- past a "point of interest", usually one where some ; object is located.) ; ; points: a list of distinct node names, such as Point1, Point2, ; Cross-roads1, Dead-end3, etc.; ; roads: a list of lists, each beginning with a road name, ; followed by the first point on this road, the distance ; from the first point to the second point on this road, ; the second point on this road, and so on; ; a road must not reach any point twice, because we want ; "taking road x from point y to point z" to correspond to ; a unique path; theoretically, 'points' may include points ; not reached by any road; a "minimalist" roadmap would be ; one that has just one point (where we place Aone or more ; agents), and no roads. ; ; METHOD: ; 1. Check to make sure each road segment has exactly two points ; and a distance), and roads are not self-intersecting; {a road ; is self-intersecting iff after removal of any duplicate ; points, the list of points defining the road is shorter}; ; Report any discrepancies between the points given as ; first argument and points occurring on roads; (however, ; such discrepancies are allowed); ; ; 2. Create a graph structure by attaching 'next' ; properties to points, where such a property consists ; of a list of (road-name adjacent-point distance) triples; ; this can be done in an obvious way by sequentially processing ; the given roads; ; ; 3. Create the *roadmap-knowledge* list of facts about roads, ; points, and what points are on what roads. ; (let (tuple name pt-dist-list pt-list dist-list curr trimmed-pt-list road-points leng pt1 pt2 currleng isolated-points unlisted-points rr rc) (dotimes (j *n-agents*) (clrhash (aref *extra-initial-knowledge* j))) (clrhash *roadmap-knowledge*) (clrhash *world-facts*) (clrhash *protected-facts*) (setq *general-knowledge* nil) ;(clrhash *general-knowledge*) ;(setq *roadmap-extrainitial-knowledge-terms* nil) (dolist (p points) (remprop p 'next)); cleanup for safety (dolist (r roads); error checking (setq name (car r)) (setq pt-dist-list (cdr r)) (setq pt-list '()) (setq dist-list '()) (setq leng (length pt-dist-list)) (dotimes (i leng t) (setq curr (nth i pt-dist-list)) (if (evenp i) (if (symbolp curr) (push curr pt-list) (progn (format t "~%***Road ~a is missing a valid segment" name) (return-from def-roadmap 'ERROR-TERMINATION) ) ) (if (numberp curr) (push curr dist-list) (progn (format t "~%***Road ~a is missing a valid distance" name) (return-from def-roadmap 'ERROR-TERMINATION) ) ) ) ) (setq trimmed-pt-list (remove-duplicates pt-list)) (when (< (length trimmed-pt-list) (length pt-list)) (format t "~%***Road ~a is self-intersecting" name) (return-from def-roadmap 'ERROR-TERMINATION) ) (when (not (= (- (length pt-list) 1) (length dist-list))) (format t "~%***Road ~a is missing a valid segment or distance" name) (return-from def-roadmap 'ERROR-TERMINATION) ) (setq road-points (union pt-list road-points)) ; Create a roadmap knowledge (for road r) for the mobile agents ; (motivated explorers): (add_tuple_to_hashtable (cons 'road (list name)) *roadmap-knowledge* 'NIL) ; NOT NEEDED FOR PRESENT (MULTIAGENT) DOMAIN ; (add_tuple_to_hashtable ; (cons 'navigable (list name)) *roadmap-knowledge* 'NIL) ; process first point on road r, then remaining points and ; distances in tandem: (setq pt1 (pop pt-list)) ; NOT NEEDED FOR PRESENT (MULTIAGENT) DOMAIN: ; (add_tuple_to_hashtable ; (list 'is_on pt1 name) *roadmap-knowledge* 'NIL) (while (> (length pt-list) 0) (setq pt2 (pop pt-list)) ; NOT NEEDED FOR PRESENT (MULTIAGENT) DOMAIN ; (add_tuple_to_hashtable ; (list 'is_on pt2 name) *roadmap-knowledge* 'NIL) (setq currleng (pop dist-list)) (push (list name pt2 currleng) (get pt1 'next)) ; NEEDED FOR PRESENT (MULTIAGENT) DOMAIN: (add_tuple_to_hashtable (list 'is_adjacent_to pt1 pt2) *roadmap-knowledge* 'NIL) (push (list name pt1 currleng) (get pt2 'next)) (add_tuple_to_hashtable (list 'is_adjacent_to pt2 pt1) *roadmap-knowledge* 'NIL) (setq pt1 pt2) ) ) (setq isolated-points (set-difference points road-points)) (setq unlisted-points (set-difference road-points points)) (if isolated-points (format t "~%### ISOLATED POINTS: ~a" isolated-points) ) (if unlisted-points (format t "~%### UNLISTED POINTS ON ROADS: ~a" unlisted-points) ) ; NOT NEEDED FOR PRESENT (MULTIAGENT) DOMAIN ; (dolist (p (unionf road-points isolated-points)) ; (add_tuple_to_hashtable (list 'point p) *roadmap-knowledge* 'NIL) ; ) (add_htable_to_hashtable *roadmap-knowledge* *world-facts* 'NIL) (add_htable_to_hashtable *roadmap-knowledge* *protected-facts* 'NIL) ; LKS, 10/1/12: FOR THE MULTIAGENT PROBLEM, MAKE THE BLOCKED LOCATIONS ; 'OCCUPIED', AS PART OF INITIAL *PROTECTED-FACTS* (TO BE UPDATED BY AGENT ; PLACEMENT AND MOVES ONLY, NOT BY INFERENCE RULES): (dolist (p *blocked-points*) (add_tuple_to_hashtable (list 'is_occupied p) *protected-facts* nil) (add_tuple_to_hashtable (list 'is_occupied p) *world-facts* nil)) ; THIS SHOULD BE IN "gridworld-world.lisp". -LKS ; (push (list (list 'tells '?x (list 'that '?y)) '=> '?y) *general-knowledge*) ; (push (list (list 'knows '?x (list 'that '?y)) '=> '?y) *general-knowledge*) ) ); end of def-roadmap ;; EXAMPLE OF CREATING ROADMAP: tested summer of 08 ;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;; (def-roadmap '(a b c d e) '((r1 a 1 b 2 c 3 d) (r2 b 4 d))) ;; ;; ### ISOLATED POINTS: (E) ;; NIL ;; [2] CL-USER(29): (format t "~%~a" *roadmap-knowledge*) ;; ;; ((POINT E) (IS_ON D R1) (IS_ON D R2) (POINT D) (IS_ON C R1) ;; (POINT C) (IS_ON B R1) (IS_ON B R2) (POINT B) (IS_ON A R1) ;; (POINT A) (ROAD R2) (ROAD R1)) ;; NIL (defun def-object (obj-type properties) ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; obj-type: an atomic identifier for a type, e.g., 'sasquatch'; ; properties: a list of abbreviated general, permanent properties ; such as ; '(is_animate is_furry (has_IQ 50)); ; This is expanded so as to produce a conditional whose ; antecedent applies the type predicate to a variable and ; whose consequent applies the given predicate in each ; property first to the variable and then to any additional ; arguments that are given; thus we will get ; ((sasquatch ?x) => (is_animate ?x)) ; ((sasquatch ?x) => (is_furry ?x)) ; ((sasquatch ?x) => (has_IQ ?x 50)) ; (Note: the originally planned temporal arguments have been ; omitted. These might still be added, but at this point it ; seems more convenient to omit them.) ; (let ((ante (list obj-type '?x)) conse) (dolist (p properties) (setq conse (if (atom p) (list p '?x) (cons (car p) (cons '?x (cdr p))) ) ) (push (list ante '=> conse) *general-knowledge*) ) )); end of def-object ;; EXAMPLE OF DEFINING AN OBJECT TYPE: ;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;; [2] CL-USER(32): (def-object 'sasquatch '(is_animate is_furry (has_IQ 50))) ;; ;; [2] CL-USER(33): *general-knowledge* ;;(((SASQUATCH ?X) => (HAS_IQ ?X 50)) ((SASQUATCH ?X) => (IS_FURRY ?X)) ;; ((SASQUATCH ?X) => (IS_ANIMATE ?X))) (defun place-object (name obj-type point time-pt associated-things ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ curr-facts propos-attitudes); Revised Dec. 2009 by Daphne Liu ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; Revised to add 'is_occupied' ; ; facts for agents placed at ; ; points. -LKS ; We name an entity (of a specified type) and place it at ; some point in the Gridworld (and make the fact that it is of ; that type, and `is_at' that point part of the list that is ; the value of the `facts' property of `point'), at a specified ; 'time-pt' and we supply three kinds of additional information ; for it (where these become available to a mobile agent as knowledge ; "packets" if the agent is at that point): ; - things that it currently "has" -- a list of typed entities ; such as ((key key1) (sword sword1) (banana banana3)); ; these may be regarded as *possessions* in the case of animate ; beings, or as contained or attached objects, in the case of ; inanimate objects such as trees or boxes; for example, ; a type predication like (key Key3) supplied under this ; heading means that the named entity has Key3, and that ; thing is a key; (see below for the representation of these ; facts); the type facts, possession facts, and `is_at' facts ; are all placed on the list comprising the *world-facts*; ; - current-state facts about it; e.g., (hungry Grunt), or ; (likes Grunt Tweety); in this version we do not add time ; arguments, but directly place the given facts in *world-facts*. ; N.B.: IF THE OBJECT PLACED IS AN AGENT, THEN THE CURR-FACTS MAY ; ALSO INCLUDE FACTS THAT DO *NOT* HAVE IT IN SUBJECT POSITION; ; THESE ARE TREATED AS "EXTRA" INITIAL KNOWLEDGE OF AG (IN ADDITION ; TO ROADMAP KNOWLEDGE, SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND ANY ADDITIONAL LOCALLY ; APPARENT FACTS); ; - propositional attitudes such as (knows Grunt (has Robbie ; Banana)); another example: (wants Grunt (has Grunt Banana1)); ; it is even possible to have nested knowledge facts or goal ; facts such as (knows Grunt (knows Robbie (want Grunt (has ; Grunt Banana1)))), i.e., Grunt knows that Robbie knows that ; Grunt wants to have the banana; but such complex facts ; would more likely be produced by inference than by manual ; input. Again these facts are put in *world-facts*; ; ; Note: `time-pt' is a number such as 0, but this is used in ; the present version of the code just to set *AG-clock*j], not ; in any predicates (time remains implicit in predicates), ; (let (j facts list-of-terms-in-added-tuple) ; type predication about 'name': (push (list obj-type name) facts) (push (list 'is_at name point) facts) ; ADDED BY LKS (TO REFLECT GRID POINTS GETTING BLOCKED BY AGENTS): (when (eql obj-type 'agent) (add_tuple_to_hashtable (list 'is_occupied point) *protected-facts* nil) (add_tuple_to_hashtable (list 'is_occupied point) *world-facts* nil)); END OF ADDITION ; [Oct 2/12: changed to allow an array of *here*'s and agent clocks] ; set global *here*[j] and *AG-clock*[j] parameters if name is 'name': (when (member name *agent-names*) (setq j (gethash name *agent-goal-indices*)) (setf (aref *here* j) point) (setf (aref *ag-clock* j) time-pt)) ; The above replaces ; (if (eq name 'AG) (setq *here* point *AG-clock* time-pt)) (dolist (p associated-things); the things that 'name' "has" (push p facts) (push (list 'is_at (second p) point) facts) (push (list 'has name (second p)) facts) ) (dolist (f (remove-duplicates curr-facts :test #'equal)) (push f facts) (when j ; if j is non-nil, it is the agent index for 'name' (set above) (if (not (eq (second f) name)); not self-knowledge (which will be ; available w/o explicit belief-storage)? (add_tuple_to_hashtable f (aref *extra-initial-knowledge* j) 'NIL)) ) ) (dolist (f propos-attitudes) (push f facts)) (setq facts (remove-duplicates facts :test #'equal) ) ; In updating *protected-facts*, we could just set them equal ; to *world-facts*; but we update them independently just in ; case we ever want to place a new object in the gridworld ; while already in the middle of a gridworld run. (dolist (f facts) (add_tuple_to_hashtable f *world-facts* 'NIL) (add_tuple_to_hashtable f *protected-facts* 'NIL) ) facts ; output the new facts )); end of place-object ;; EXAMPLE OF PLACING AN OBJECT: ;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;; [3] CL-USER(52): (place-object 'Grunt 'sasquatch 'b 0 '((banana Banana1) ;; (key Key4)) '((hungry Grunt) (likes Grunt Tweety)) ;; '((knows Grunt (has AG Banana2)))) ;; ;; (format t "~%~a" (get 'Grunt 'facts)) ;; ;; ((KNOWS GRUNT (HAS AG BANANA2)) (LIKES GRUNT TWEETY) ;; (HUNGRY GRUNT) (HAS GRUNT KEY4) (HAS GRUNT BANANA1) ;; (IS_AT GRUNT B) (SASQUATCH GRUNT)) ;; NIL ;; [3] CL-USER(54): (format t "~%~a" (get 'Key4 'facts)) ;; ;; ((KEY KEY4)) ;; NIL ;; [3] CL-USER(55): (format t "~%~a" (get 'Banana2 'facts)) ;; ;; NIL ;; NIL ;; [3] CL-USER(56): (format t "~%~a" (get 'Banana1 'facts)) ;; ;; ((BANANA BANANA1)) ;; NIL (defun print-hash-entry (key value) (format t "The value associated with the key ~S is ~S~%" key value)) ;(maphash #'print-hash-entry *roadmap-knowledge*)