Cache Coherence Protocol Scripts

The following is a collection of scripts to help in the development of CCP applications.

This file is automatically generated by /s23/cashmere/ccp/apps/bin/scr2html.
make_all make_all Macros...
go_t go_t -e exe -i iters -r resDir -s skip1 -s -skip2... -- cmdLineArgs
vfy vfy -e exe -p procs -c cpus -i iterations
build_res_dir build_res_dir DestDir ResDir1 ResDir2 ResDir2...
line-diff line-diff file1 file2
av_t av_t [-f] -a appl outFiles
zap zap [-s] [-m machine] [-8 | -4 | -2] pattern
ipc_clean ipc_clean
cmc cmc [8|4|2] pattern
get_res_all get_res_all -p path1 -r resDir1a -r resDir2a... -p path2 -r resDir1b...
build_res_dir build_res_dir DestDir ResDir1 ResDir2 ResDir2...
get_bd_all get_res_all -p 16 -P path1 -R resDir1a name1a -r resDir2a name2a... -P path2 -r resDir1b name1b...
get_bd get_bd [-p X] [-a apps] [-g] -r dir1 Name1 ... -R dirX NameX
rcsq rcsq (-l level_spec | -d date) [-files|-logs] [files]
scr2html SCRipt to HTML
order_res_all order_res_all -[s|m] -p path1 -r resDir1a -r resDir2a... -p path2 -r resDir1b...