5.26 Looking at GTKRadiant, how to intall without root access. GtkRadiant 1.5 is no longer under active development Compile from source. https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant/GtkRadiant/trunk/COMPILING Get the source: svn checkout https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant/GtkRadiant/trunk/ ./GtkRadiant get the desired gamepacks: cd ./GtkRadiant/install/installs svn checkout https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant.gamepacks/Q3Pack/trunk/ ./Q3Pack scons is used instead of make scons not installed. http://www.scons.org/download.php During installation of scons: error: could not create '/usr/lib/scons-2.1.0.alpha.20101125': Permission denied Add an additional flag to install without root access python setup.py install --prefix=$HOME/Software/Scons Works. Running scons /home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Software/SCONS/bin/scons scons: Reading SConscript files ... pushing a default config saving updated configuration emit build rules emit configuration: config: target=['radiant', 'q3map2'] config=['release'] xml2-config failed AssertionError: : File "/home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Qgents/GtkRadiant/SConstruct", line 59: c.emit() File "/home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Qgents/GtkRadiant/config.py", line 177: self.emit_radiant() File "/home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Qgents/GtkRadiant/config.py", line 83: lib_objects += SConscript( os.path.join( build_dir, 'SConscript.lib' ) ) File "/home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Software/SCONS/lib/scons-2.1.0.alpha.20101125/SCons/Script/SConscript.py", line 614: return method(*args, **kw) File "/home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Software/SCONS/lib/scons-2.1.0.alpha.20101125/SCons/Script/SConscript.py", line 551: return _SConscript(self.fs, *files, **subst_kw) File "/home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Software/SCONS/lib/scons-2.1.0.alpha.20101125/SCons/Script/SConscript.py", line 260: exec _file_ in call_stack[-1].globals File "/home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Qgents/GtkRadiant/SConscript.lib", line 14: settings.SetupEnvironment( env, config['name'] ) File "/home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Qgents/GtkRadiant/config.py", line 198: assert( False ) Not sure what this means. Tried installing more packages cd ./GtkRadiant/install/installs svn checkout https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant.gamepacks/UFOAIPack/trunk/ ./UFOAIPack svn checkout https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant.gamepacks/TremulousPack/trunk/ ./TremulousPack No good. Trying NetRadiant git clone git://git.icculus.org/divverent/netradiant.git make checking that the build tools exist Checking for /bin/sh (bash (or another shell))... found. Checking for echo (coreutils)... found. Checking for echo -n (coreutils)... found. Checking for cat (coreutils)... found. Checking for mkdir -p (coreutils)... found. Checking for cp (coreutils)... found. Checking for cp -r (coreutils)... found. Checking for rm -f (coreutils)... found. Checking for rm -f -r (coreutils)... found. Checking for mv (coreutils)... found. Checking for echo test | tee /dev/stderr (coreutils)... found. Checking for sed (sed)... found. Checking for find (findutils)... found. Checking for diff (diff)... found. Checking for cc (gcc)... found. Checking for g++ (g++)... found. Checking for ranlib (binutils)... found. Checking for ar (binutils)... found. Checking for pkg-config (pkg-config)... found. Checking for unzip (unzip)... found. Checking for git (git-core)... found. Checking for svn (subversion)... found. Checking for wget (wget)... found. Checking for ldd (libc6)... found. All required tools have been found! checking that the dependencies exist Checking for glib/gutils.h (libglib2.0-dev)... found and links. Checking for libxml/xpath.h (libxml2-dev)... not found, please install it or set PKG_CONFIG_PATH right! To see the failed commands, set DEPENDENCIES_CHECK=verbose To proceed anyway, set DEPENDENCIES_CHECK=off Checking for png.h (libpng12-dev)... found and links. Checking for GL/gl.h (mesa-common-dev (or another OpenGL library))... found and links. Checking for gtk/gtkdialog.h (libgtk2.0-dev)... found and links. Checking for pango/pangoft2.h (libpango1.0-dev)... found and links. Checking for gtk/gtkglwidget.h (libgtkglext1-dev)... not found, please install it or set PKG_CONFIG_PATH right! To see the failed commands, set DEPENDENCIES_CHECK=verbose To proceed anyway, set DEPENDENCIES_CHECK=off Checking for dlfcn.h (libc6-dev)... found and links. Checking for zlib.h (zlib1g-dev)... found and links. make: *** [dependencies-check] Error 1 Need libxml/xpath.h and gtk/gtkglwidget.h Install libxml: git clone git://git.gnome.org/libxml2 /home/hoover/u4/kedwar10/Software/libxml2 ./configure ./configure: Command not found. ./configure.in exists ./configure.in ./configure.in: Permission denied. make make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. Not sure what is going on here. Trying a precompiled version http://ingar.satgnu.net/gtkradiant/installation.html#linux ubuntu version ./radiant.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libgtkglext-x11-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory arch version ./radiant.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libgtkglext-x11-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Give the rpm a shot rpm --install gtkradiant-1.5.0-2006-03-02.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: gtkglext >= 1.0.0 is needed by gtkradiant-1.5.0-7.i386 libgdkglext-x11-1.0.so.0 is needed by gtkradiant-1.5.0-7.i386 libgtkglext-x11-1.0.so.0 is needed by gtkradiant-1.5.0-7.i386 libmhash.so.2 is needed by gtkradiant-1.5.0-7.i386 mhash >= 0.9.0 is needed by gtkradiant-1.5.0-7.i386 probably need root access anyway Trying quest http://quest-ed.sourceforge.net/dl/index.html ./squest ./squest: error while loading shared libraries: libvga.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Trying QuArk http://quark.sourceforge.net/download.php Has linux installation but can't unzip; requires wine anyway. Installs on windows(Hylan lab) without error. NetRadient windows install requires the engine.