Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of ProtocolZero

Jun 3, 2011 3:03:35 PM (13 years ago)



  • ProtocolZero

    v15 v16  
    7070* Basic robot-like functions for users who want low-level fine control. (Implement first)
    71  * move [DIRECTION,DISTANCE] - bot moves in given direction for the specified distance.
    7271 * move [LOCATION] - bot moves to specified location. uses native pathfinding. It would be nice if along the way it used Quake's goal system. That would give us free puzzle-solving/button-pushing/surfacing-for-air.
    73  * move [DIRECTION] - bot moves according to DIRECTION indefinitely until a collision occurs.
    7472 * move [OBJECT] - finds the location of specified object, and pathfinds to it using move[LOCATION].
    75  * rotate [ROTATIONAL,AZIMUTHAL] - rotates the bot clockwise by the specified rotational and azimuthal angles.
    7673 * echo [STRING] - reports a string back over the socket to the user
    7774 * jump [VOID] - makes the Quagent jump in place.
    103100 * hasItem? - true if agent is carrying an item.
    104101* Behavior management system / agent management (Also implement first?)
    105  * forgetalltasks - clears the command queue
    106  * pause [TIME] - if TIME=0, wait forever, else wait TIME milliseconds. (As with all commands, can be interrupted with "now pop".)
    107  * pop - deletes the current command. If this is the only command, does nothing. (Note: weird to think about: "then pop, then walkby" - pop will clear the walkby even though it was issued before it.)
    108102 * peek - echoes a description of the current command.
    109103 * peeknext - echos a description of the next command to evaluate