An important insight of NLog research is that language can be used directly for inference, requiring only phrase structure analysis and upward/downward entailment marking (polarity) of phrasal contexts. This means that NLog inferences are situated inferences, i.e. their meaning is just as dependent on the utterance setting and discourse state as the linguistic “input” that drives them. This insight carries over to ULFs, and provides a separate justification for computing ULFs, apart from their utility in the process of deriving deep, context-independent, canonicalized meaning representations from language.

ULFs in principle provide a more reliable and more general basis for situated inference than phrase structure, because of the coherent semantic type structure they encode. Greater reliability also leads to the possibility of spontaneous forward inferencing, as opposed to inference guided by systems classifying already provided hypotheses as entailments, contradictions, or neutral in relation to some reference sentence (as in most textual entailment and NLog studies to date – e.g. SNLI, MNLI). Forward inference is important because human language understanding seems to involve continuous forward inferencing. Imagine reading the following sentence in a paper or newsfeed

Police reported that the vehicle struck several cars

you will conclude that

(a) the reported event almost certainly happened,

and further,

(b) that the cars involved were all damaged.

Conclusion (a) requires only a small amount of knowledge about communication, to the effect that reporting (in your preferred media) typically involves reporting of facts; whereas conclusion (b) depends on very specific world knowledge. We expect to show ULF utility for forward inference in cases like conclusion (a), since accumulation of sufficient world knowledge for enabling such inferences seems practical. In principle, ULF could support inferences resulting in conclusion (b) – within the bounds of ULF ambiguity – but the necessary world knowledge remains out of reach in the short run. As a whole it’s unreasonable to expect that an inference system will have a set of alternative hypotheses to choose from. Rather, the system needs to be able to generate inferences directly.

The rules for generating inference (a) could be as simple as

(all_wfulf w
  (( ((past report.v) (that w)))
   => ((the.d (event-of w)) probably.adv-s (past happen.v))))

where all_wfulf denotes substitutional quantification over well-formed ULF formulas. Substitutational quantification quantifies over substitutions of expressions of a particular category of metavariable. (Morbini & Schubert, 2008) describes the details of this mechanism and how it fits into object level semantics. We can take the ULF formula for the report above

;; "Police reported that the vehicle struck several cars"
((k police.n)
 ((past report.v)
  (that ((the.d vehicle.n) ((past strike.v) (several.d (plur car.n)))))))

and conclude

;; "The event of 'the vehicle struck several cars' probably happened"
((the.d (event-of ((the.d vehicle.n) ((past strike.v) (several.d (plur car.n))))))
 probably.adv-s (past happen.v))

We ended up relying on a non-standard operator event-of here for simplicity. This could be translated into using the characterizing operator **, which is implicit in strict ULF.

Propositions vs Events

To get more concrete about the role of the semantic types in generating inferences, consider the distinction between propositions and events. Propositions are abstract, true or false information objects and as such can be asserted, known, believed, disputed, etc.; whereas events are surely real, temporal entities in the world, often with causal consequences – without them, there would be no natural or social world as we know it. Here are two sentences that demonstrate this distinction,

(1) Molly barked last night; that woke up the neighbors.

(2) Molly barked last night; that’s what the neighbors assert.

Note that propositions don’t wake neighbors, but events certainly can; and events can’t be asserted, but propositions certainly can. As such that in the two sentences must refer to distinct entities (that in (1) refers to an event and that in (2) refers to proposition). Events can have temporal parts at any scale, and can physically involve many entities, but propositions cannot. Propositions and events are easily confused because they are closely related: natural language sentences express propositions and at the same time characterize events or situations. But an adequate semantic representation must distinguish them, thus providing distinct referents for the two instances of the anaphoric that in the above sentences. For a full discussion see (Schubert & Hwang, 2000) and also (Zucchi, 1989). In general, propositions believed (or rejected) by people are central to explaining the reasons for their actions, while events interact causally. In EL, the propositional referent in the second sentence is provided simply by applying the sentence reifying operator, that to the meaning of the sentence, whereas the event is generated during the deindexing process. Basing inferences on sharp distinctions of propositions and episodes as described is justified in detail in (Schubert & Hwang, 2000).

Of course the other semantic types: various subcategories of predicates, kinds of actions, kinds of events, general kinds, numbers, collections, predicate modifiers, etc. also make distinctions important to inference. The most crucial aspect of ULF in supporting justified inferences, however, is the coherent semantic composition. So long as antecedents of inference rules operate over fragments of well-formed ULF and consequents respect the semantic types during any restructuring, we can be certain that conclusions will have coherent semantic structures.

Here are some kinds of inferences we can expect ULFs to support:

NLog inferences based on generalizations/specializations

The sentence “Every NATO member sent troops to Afghanistan”, together with the knowledge that France is a NATO member and that Afghanistan is a country entails that France sent troops to Afghanistan and that France sent troops to a country.

((every.d (member-of.n |NATO|))
 ((past send.v) (k (plur troop.n))
                (to.p-arg |Afghanistan|)))

(|France| ((pres be.v) (member-of.n |NATO|))), (|Afghanistan| ((pres be.v) (= (a.d country.n))))

We won’t get into the details of computing contextual polarity here, but simply state that NATO member is in positive context and Afghanistan is in negative context. Positive context allow specializations, whereas negative contexts allow generalization of the predicates while retaining truth conditions. So we can resolve the right side of (|France| ((pres be.v) (member-of.n |NATO|))) into the sentence to get

((every.d (= |France|))
 ((past send.v) (k (plur troop.n))
                (to.p-arg |Afghanistan|)))

then resolve the left hand side of (|Afghanistan| ((pres be.v) (= (a.d country.n)))) to get

((every.d (= |France|))
 ((past send.v) (k (plur troop.n))
                (to.p-arg (a.d country.n))))

Right now we get the awkward, but not incorrect sentence of Everything that is France sent troops to a country. We can simplify to just France sent troops to a country with an intuitive inference rule (all x (every.d (= x)) x). Simply put, if we’re quantifying over everything that is logically equal to a particular entity, it’s just going to be that entity. We can use it to clean up the formula.

(|France| ((past send.v) (k (plur troop.n)) (to.p-arg (a.d country.n))))

Such inferences are within the scope of NLog-based and ULF-based methods, and can help in finding inference paths to candidate entailments; but they will not be our focus as they rarely seem worthwhile as spontaneous forward inferences from sentences in discourse (we are particularly interested in dialogue settings).

NLog inferences based on implicatives

“She managed to quit smoking” entails that She quit smoking (and the negation of the premise leads to the opposite conclusion). We already demonstrated such inferences using fully-resolved Episodic Logic for various headlines (Stratos et al., 2011), such as the inference from Oprah is shocked that Obama gets no respect (Fox News 2011) to Obama gets no respect. Such inferences are surely important – and immediate – in language understanding. Here is a simplified walk through of generating these inference in ULF to give an idea of how this is handled.

We have the formula

(F1) ( ((past manage.v) (to (quit.v (ka smoke.v)))))

and an inference rule for manage, which we’ll call (R1)

(all_ulfvp w
  (all x
    ((x ((past manage.v) (to w)))
     => (past (x w)))))

We can resolve the term in (F1) to x in (R1) and the ULF VP predicate (quit.v (ka smoke.v)) in (F1) to w in (R1). When we run (R1) with this resolution, we conclude

(past ( (quit.v (ka smoke.v))))

This gives us the meaning we’re looking for of She quit smoking. The past is placed at the sentence level for simplicity (and it’s not incorrect since past is actually a sentence level operator anyway), but the tense can also be automatically inserted into the VP where it would normally appear in ULF using a more complicated pattern matching procedure in the inference rule.

Inferences based on attitudinal and communicative verbs

This category of inferences intersects a bit with inferences from implicatives that we just described. For example, we can conclude from both of the sentences

We know that coffee is a fruit

They found out that coffee is a fruit

that the proposition coffee is a fruit is true in a way that is very similar to what was shown for “manage” in the previous section. However, attitudinal and communicative verbs can also involve probabilistic reasoning, structural elaboration, and depend of constituent types – all of which would be difficult to capture within NLog. Consider the sentence

John denounced Bill as a charlatan


(|John| ((past denounce.v)
         (as.p-arg (= (a.d charlatan.n)))))

We can conclude from this sentence that (a) John probably believes that Bill is a charlatan, (b) John asserted to his listeners (or readers) that Bill is a charlatan, and (c) John wanted his listeners (or readers) to believe that Bill is a charlatan. Notice that these inferences go beyond just relating embedded events and propositions with truth values, but relate the arguments in more complex ways.

Inference (a) could be captured with a simple lexical inference rule like the following


(all_ulfpred w
  (all x (all y
    ((x ((past denounce.v) y (as.p-arg w)))
     => (x probably.adv-s ((pres believe.v) (that (y ((pres be.v) w)))))))))

By resolving |John|, |Bill| and (= (a.d charlatan.n)) in (F2) to x, y, and w in (R2), respectively, we conclude the formula for

John probably believes that Bill is a charlatan

(|John| probably.adv-s
 ((pres believe.v)
  (that (|Bill| ((pres be.v) (= (a.d charlatan.n)))))))

With some additional complexity, this could be generalized to other communicative verbs that use the [verb]-[direct object]-[p-arg] construction (e.g. declare).

Inference (b) and (c) can be captured with a rules which can be generalized to just about any communicative verb.


(all_ulfpred w
  (all x (all y
    ((x ((past denounce.v) y (as.p-arg w)))
     => (x ((past assert.v)
            (adv-a (to.p ((x 's) ((plur reader.n) (plur listener.n)))))
            (that (y ((pres be.v) w)))))))))


(all_ulfpred w
  (all x (all y
    ((x ((past denounce.v) y (as.p-arg w)))
     => (x ((past want.v)
            ((x 's) ((plur reader.n) (plur listener.n)))
            (to (believe.v (that (y ((pres be.v) w)))))))))))

By again resolving |John|, |Bill|, and (= (a.d charlatan.n)) to x, y, and w, respectively in each of (R3) and (R4), we conclude inferences (b) and (c).

John asserted to his readers or listeners that Bill is a charlatan

(|John| ((past assert.v)
         (adv-a (to.p ((|John| 's) ((plur reader.n) (plur listener.n)))))
         (that (|Bill| ((pres be.v) (= (a.d charlatan.n)))))))

John wanted his readers or listeners that Bill is a charlatan

(|John| ((past want.v)
         ((|John| 's) ((plur reader.n) (plur listener.n)))
         (to (believe.v (that (|Bill| ((pres be.v) (= (a.d charlatan.n)))))))))

(R3) and (R4) could be generalized so that denounce.v is replaced by any other communicative verb that occurs in this argument context. Or by generalizing past to the different tenses.

(R2) gives us a good opportunity to highlight the importance of the types in generating inferences. Given a sentence like “Mary denounced Bill as well”, we wouldn’t want to infer that Mary believes that Bill is well. Here’s the ULF annotation of this sentence.

(|Mary| ((past denounce.v) |Bill| as_well.adv-s))

Since “as well” in this sentence is an adverbial, not an argument, the antecedent of (R2) won’t be able to unify with this sentence.

Inferences based on counterfactuals

“If I were rich, I would pay off your debt” and “I wish I were rich” both implicate that the speaker is not rich. This depends on recognition of the counterfactual form, which is distinguished in ULF. Consider, for example, the ULF for the first sentence.


(( ( ((cf were.v) rich.a)))
 ( ((cf will.aux-s) pay_off.v (your.d debt.n))))

cf is the counterfactual marker that sits in the same position as the tense marker in the sentence. We can then write inferences over sentences like this by identifying the counterfactual marker and asserting the negation of the sentence it operates over. These inference rules must interact with ULF syntax analysis so we will use predicates over ULF syntax, embedded-within? and functions over the syntax, tense-of! and with-tense!.


(all_wfulf w1
  (all_wfulf w2
    (((embedded-within? w1 w2) ((tense-of! w1) = cf))
     => (not (with-tense! w1 pres)))))

embedded-within? returns true if the first argument is embedded within the second argument. For example, ( ((cf were.v) rich.a)) in the formula (F3). tense-of! returns the tense of the given ULF formula. with-tense! returns the ULF formula of the first argument modified to have the tense given in the second argument.

We can unify (F3) to w2 in (R5) and ( ((cf were.v) rich.a)) to w1 in (F3) to run the inference rule. We just described why (embedded-within? w1 w2) is true, and clearly (tense-of! w1) will be cf. If we replace the tense in w1 with pres and negate it as described in (R5), we conclude

(not ( ((pres were.v) rich.a)))

We can either add some post-processing or add some complexity to the (R5) to deal with the fact that were.v is only possible in counterfactual form and should be mapped to be.v.

Inferences from questions and requests

“When are you getting married?” enables the inference that the addressee will get married (in the foreseeable future), and that the questioner wants to know the expected date of the event, and expects that the addressee probably knows the answer, and will supply it. Similarly an apparent request such as “Could you close the door?” implies that the speaker wants the addressee to close the door, and expects he or she will do so. There are subtleties in the distinction between questions and requests that can be captured in ULF and made use of.

We’ll walk through a simple example with “Who did you see yesterday?”. From this we infer the presupposed knowledge that you did meet someone yesterday. Let’s start with the ULF of the sentence.


((sub ((past do.aux-s) (see.v *h yesterday.adv-e))) ?)

All the wh-phrases in English can be modified to make a statement with using “some”. who corresponds to someone, where corresponds to somewhere, why correpsonds to for some reason, etc. So again, we assume the existence of a predicate wh-sent? and functions wh-sent-to-some-sent! and uninvert-sent! over the ULF syntax.


(all_wfulf w
  (((w ?) and (wh-sent? w))
   => (uninvert-sent! (wh-sent-to-some-sent w))))

The predicate and function over the syntax of ULF is used because wh-words can occur in many places in the sentence. This means a syntactic analysis rather than a case-by-case inference system is better suited for this problem.

Running (R6) over (F4) gives us

(sub ( ((past do.aux-s) (see.v *h yesterday.adv-e))))

in English, “Someone you did see yesterday”. We can get a more natural reading by applying the sub macro and running an inference rule for eliminating the do.aux-s, which is an auxiliary almost solely used for question inversions with minimal semantic influence.

( ((past see.v) yesterday.adv-e))

in English, “You saw someone yesterday”.

Prev: ULF Intro 2


  1. Morbini, F., & Schubert, L. (2008). Metareasoning as an integral part of commonsense and autocognitive reasoning. AAAI-08 Workshop on Metareasoning.
  2. Schubert, L. K., & Hwang, C. H. (2000). In L. M. Iwańska & S. C. Shapiro (Eds.), Natural Language Processing and Knowledgeepresentation (pp. 111–174). MIT Press.
  3. Stratos, K., Schubert, L. K., & Gordon, J. (2011). Episodic Logic: Natural Logic + Reasoning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD).
  4. Zucchi, A. (1989). The language of propositions and events: Issues in the syntax and the semantics of nominalization [PhD thesis]. University of Massachusetts, Amherst.