Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Randomly Generated Quake 2 Mazes

(This readme applies only to Windows machines.)

Required Files:

To generate the mazes: (All of these files can be downloaded in a ZIP ARCHIVE ) also found HERE.)
Wally – The texture creation tool
Maze.class - The maze image generator
bmp2map.exe – The image -> Quake 1 map converter
mapconv.exe – The Quake 1 map -> Quake 2 map converter
qbsp3.exe – This renders .map files into playable .bsp files
To run the mazes:
Quake 2 – The Game
maze.bsp - The Maze
floor.wal, wall.wal, ceiling.wal - The textures for the map

Generating the Mazes:

1. Download and install all required files for generating the mazes.
2. 3 distinct tiling images should be chosen for the floor, wall, and ceiling textures. These images should be placed in one directory.
3. Open Wally, and select File->Batch Conversion. Choose the directory where the texture images are stored as your input directory, and wherever you wish to store the final textures as your output directory. For the file wildcard, *.whatever-file-extension-you-used works. Then hit convert.
4. Run David Sloan's Maze Generator.
Usage: java Maze -b -s xdim ydim
(xdim and ydim are the x and y dimensions of the pixel maze that this will generate. 10 is the default for both if the -s option is not used.)
5. Use bmp2map on the .bmp image that the maze generator created.
Usage: bmp2map maze10x10.bmp mazemap.cfg
6. Use mapconv on the .map file that bmp2map created.
Usage: mapconv -toq2 -addpath e1u1 mazemap maze
7. Use qbsp3 on maze.map
Usage: qbsp3 maze.map
8. Gather maze.bsp and the three .wal files
You're done!

Running the Maze:

1. Obtain all files necessary to run the maze.
2. Install Quake 2.
3. Place the 3 .wal texture files in the Quake 2/baseq2/textures/e1u1 directory.
4. Place maze.bsp into the baseq2/maps directory.
5. Run Quake 2, drop the console by pressing ~, and type map maze
Navigate the maze!