
This is an individual assignment. The goal of this assignment is to write a program that ``confines'' the behaviour of other programs. Such programs are useful in variety of situations -- examining malicious programs, running untrusted programs, and autograding.

You will write a program called confine, that runs another program with several restrictions. The program confine will be called as:

./confine /path/to/program-to-be-confined [args-to-program1 [args-to-program2...]]

The program being confined need not accept any arguments, so ./confine /path/to/program-to-be-confined is valid too.


An example of a call to confine will look like this:

./confine ./samples/sub1 1 2 3 0

This will cause confine to execute ./samples/sub1 with the arguments 1 2 3 0.

Restrictions to be applied

The confine program should prevent the confined programs from:

  1. Using more than 64MB of memory (64x1024x1024 bytes).

  2. Creating a file greater than 4MB (4x1024x1024 bytes).

  3. Running for more than 1 minute real time (i.e. wall-clock time).

Return value

The confine program should return the confined program's return value if the confined program ran normally without exceeding the restrictions.

It should return 127 if the confined program was terminated because it encountered a restriction.

It should return 128 if the confined program died because it encountered a bug.

It should also create a file confine_result.txt, in the following format:

  1. First line contains confined program and its arguments

  2. Second line contains "NORMAL", "TERMINATED", "TIMEOUT" depending on whether the confined program i) ran normally, ii) was terminated for any reason, iii) was terminated for a timeout respectively.

Recommended Implementation

This assignment requires you to use (among others) fork, execve, waitpid, setitimer system calls, as well as set up signal handlers using sigaction.

Read the manual pages, and ask questions on Piazza if needed.

Execute programs specified on the command line

Write confine to execute the program specified on the command line.

The manual page for execve contains sample code for a program myecho.c that you can use to verify correctness. It also contains example code for how to execute a program, and you can adapt it for this assignment.

Detect normal and abnormal termination

Detect cases when the program exits normally and when it dies because of a bug (e.g. segmentation fault).

Return the appropriate value (the program's return value) or 128.

None of the programs to be confined in this assignment will ordinarily return a value greater than 64.

The programs in the included samples/ directory all show various pathological behaviour. See the source code and the included README.txt.

Set limits on child processes

Use the Linux system calls setrlimit and getrlimit to set limits on memory, file size, and CPU time. Note, these limits should only apply to the confined process, not confine itself.

Set timeouts on processes

The setrlimit CPU time restriction applies only when the program is actually running. In some instances, a program may not make progress and not consume CPU time -- for example, when it is waiting for input.

To detect and terminate such errant programs, you will need to set up a timer before running the program (using setitimer or alarm for example). If the program has not terminated by the time you receive SIGALRM, you should kill it using kill and SIGKILL.

Note, SIGALRM is not guaranteed to deliver a signal exactly on time, and that's okay.