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Chenliang Xu
Latest NewsJuly 15, 2024

Chenliang Xu wins new AI grant

Congratulations to Associate Professor Chenliang Xu from the Department of Computer Science for receiving $75,000 in sponsored research from Cisco Systems, Inc. The funding supports a project titled, “MUTATIONS: Machine Unlearning for Trustworthy multi-modAl foundaTION modelS.

programming team photo
May 29, 2024

UR Programming Team to go to ICPC World Finals

I am delighted to share that UR’s lead team in the International Collegiate Programming Contest finished 17th in the North American Championship, held this past week at the University of Central Florida.  They will now advance to the WORLD FINALS, to be held in Astana, Kazakhstan in September.  We’re in fabulous company: the complete set of qualifying schools comprises MIT, Illinois, Columbia, UBC, UC San Diego, Maryland, Stanford, Waterloo, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, Rutgers, Washington, UT Austin, Harvard, Michigan, Cornell, and Rochester.  Many congratulations to Zeyu Nie '24, Xiaoou Zhou 'MS, and Yan Zou '27, shown below with coach Adam Purtee (coach Daniel Stefankovic was unable to make the trip to UCF).

Graduating International Students posing in front of Rush Rhess
May 28, 2024

Say, 'Meliora!'

If it isn’t clear from the graduation caps, the students in this photo are glowing because they just graduated from Rochester. They’re probably also pretty happy that they didn’t have to pay to have this photo taken. Thanks to Adarsh Kumar ʼ24 and the International Students’ Association (ISA), these and more than 40 other international students received high-quality photos of this major life achievement as part of ISA’s graduation photoshoot initiative.