Theory Research

Theoretical computer science research at URCS focuses on algorithms, computational complexity, and randomness/pseudorandomness, and on their connections to and applications in a wide range of fields: combinatorics, computational social choice theory, cryptography, economics, Markov chains/counting, security, and much more.

Lane A. Hemaspaandra

Hemaspaandra, Lane A.

Professor of Computer Science
Office Location
2317 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Computational social choice (elections, preference aggregation, power indices, etc.); Computational complexity theory (counting-based computation, probabilistic computation, unambiguous computation, the importance of query order when accessing databases, the study of efficient algorithms for complex sets, complexity-theoretic aspects of security, fault-tolerance, and data compression, etc.)

Kaave Hosseini

Hosseini, Kaave

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Office Location
2507 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Theoretical computer science; Additive combinatorics; Pseudorandomness; Discrete Fourier analysis

Anson Kahng

Kahng, Anson

Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Data Science
Office Location
2401 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Computational social choice; Democracy and computer science; Economics and computation; Artificial intelligence; Theoretical computer science; Algorithmic game theory

Daniel Stefankovic

Stefankovic, Daniel

Professor of Computer Science
Office Location
2315 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Theoretical computer science: graph theory, combinatorics, Fourier transform, Markov chains/counting, learning theory, phylogeny, game theory, graph equations, routing