



Basic Transitive
ex: "The thief stole the paint"
sym: Agent V Theme
sem: manner(during(E), illegal, Agent) has_possession(start(E), ?Source, Theme) has_possession(end(E), Agent, Theme) has_possession(end(E), ?Source, Theme) cause(Agent, E)

NP-PP Source-PP
ex: "The thief stole the paint from the museum"
sym: Agent V Theme Source
sem: manner(during(E), illegal, Agent) has_possession(start(E), Source, Theme) has_possession(end(E), Agent, Theme) has_possession(end(E), Source, Theme) cause(Agent, E)

NP-PP for-PP
ex: "The thief stole the paint for Mary"
sym: Agent V Theme for Beneficiary
sem: manner(during(E), illegal, Agent) has_possession(start(E), ?Source, Theme) has_possession(end(E), Beneficiary, Theme) has_possession(end(E), ?Source, Theme) cause(Agent, E)

NP-PP-PP Source-PP Beneficiary-PP
ex: "The thief stole the paint from John for Mary"
sym: Agent V Theme Source for Beneficiary
sem: manner(during(E), illegal, Agent) has_possession(start(E), Source, Theme) has_possession(end(E), Beneficiary, Theme) has_possession(end(E), Source, Theme) cause(Agent, E)